365 Project

365 Project

Monday, April 8, 2013

April 6 - The Tree Talk

Something about getting a good sale. Today my mom and grandfather picked me up and we went off to the grocery store. The newest one in town was having a sale so I thought I would go for the ride and maybe pick up a few things.

After shopping we dropped my grandpa home first. My grandpa got talking about all the flowers and trees that were blooming. We sat in the car for quite a while talking about spring and plants. Few  years back the long wait would have drove me nuts... I guess I am maturing and reaching an age where I realize one day I wont have a grandpa to tell me stories and talk about gardening.

This tree has been on this earth a lot longer then I have and I often wonder what stories it would share if it could talk. I would hate to see this tree get chopped down. Hopefully when the day comes for the house to be sold the new owners will leave the tree alone.

1 comment:

  1. I love that tree....that tree could tell you about the day your grandparents planted it over 40 years ago closer to 50 years now, it watched the day they brought your mother home from the hospital in grandma's arms, and the family photos taken with two little girls in their Sunday best dresses,the tree saw all the family guinea pigs, dogs, and various other pets including a chicken, the tree watched many times as granny Leggott came to visit, it watched the day I graduated and grandpa retired, that tree saw us off to California on vacation, and the tree saw you come home and play under it's boughs with a small curly blond girl, and that tree saw me off to get married : )
    I wish I had been there for the talk.....


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