365 Project

365 Project

Sunday, March 3, 2013

March 2 - Food

There is something about having a full fridge and freezer that makes me happy.
Today we went grocery shopping. It has been a long time since our last shopping trip to Costco. Kind of odd sharing the contents of my fridge and freezer with blog followers but it was a very exciting moment seeing all that food pile into our house. Our current goal is to only do one shop a month which is a lot easier said then done. At least you all know that we do eat. Oh yes, and in case some concerned relatives (aunt and mother) see this blog entry you will notice that there are lots of healthy foods like kiwi, strawberries, tomatoes (LOTS OF TOMATOES), oranges, carrots, and yogurt. There are both frozen veggies and fruits in the freezer but you cant tell since they are hiding behind the pork and turkey.

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