365 Project

365 Project

Saturday, February 23, 2013

February 23 - World's Best Grandparents

Word of my husband and I being sick has reached the ears of my grandparents.
Today I received a phone call from them informing me that they were concerned for the two of us being on our own and both sick. They asked for our current address in order to come deliver us something.
I informed them that we were okay and that they did not have to come out all this way.
They went on to inform us that they were coming and wanted to know what we needed.
I said that we were doing okay and that if we did need something we were more then capable of going to the store to pick a few things up; however, saying this did not seem to make much of an impact.
They were 100% dedicated to bring us something.

Now one cannot just argue with determined grandparents for they will have another thing coming!
Besides, what is the point in arguing with a Grandfather in his 80's who still gardens, exercises, and walks every day? What is the point in arguing with a Grandmother in her 80's who maintains a gym membership and will walk there and back 3-4 times a week and has a memory better then my husband? (teehee)

There is no point in arguing with them... That being said, what is the point in arguing with someone when all they want to do is love and take care of you? It makes me feel special and loved to have Grandparents that are more then willing to go out of their way to come and try to help me out while I am sick.
It is really their way of saying, "I love you and I hope you feel better soon". And I know I should soak up all the time and love that I can get from them while they are still around and able to do so.

So I accepted their offer and reminded them of our new address and gave a brief explanation of how to get here. Once I got off the phone I started to get all these weird types of questions pop in my head like: "What if they can't find our house? What if they get lost? and What if they cannot get up the stairs?" Then I had to remind myself that they have been on this earth more than 160 years between the two of them and that they would be just fine. I can't but help to start to get worried about them though. After all they are getting older and they are not as they once used to be. Regardless though, I love them.

My amazing Grandparents brought us two things of orange juice and a shepherds pie for our dinner <3
And it tasted good!

Evidently this is the longest blog that I have written in a long time. So you are probably thinking that I am either feeling a bit better or that I have reached a point where I am so bored in my own house that the only thing I can do is blog about by grandparents.  To be honest it is a bit of both.

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