365 Project

365 Project

Monday, January 21, 2013

January 21 - Emergency Surprise

Hospital trip at 1:30am -- Not an enjoyable thing at all.

On our way home (1am) from the surprise party (as mentioned in previous blog) we dropped off a friend and tried to do a U-turn. We did not see a big boulder on the side of the road and it got lodged under the car. My husband went to go remove the rock by hand. Being dark he was unable to see the size of it at the time.The rock moved a little but it caused the car to fall down onto it.
Unfortunately Evan's finger was under the rock when it moved and it got crushed under the rock.
Around 3:45am we were informed that x-rays showed it was not broken. My dad was nice and made us breakfast in the morning and got us back to our poor stuck car.
The evil rock that got stuck under the car

We got to my parents place around 4am and stayed there the night since they were close to the hospital and it was my dad that drove us to the hospital in the first place.
BCAA  lifted the car to remove the rock -
We took the car to Kal-Tire to find out what the damage was.
Turns out there was nothing but scratches and the visual inspection was done for free!
Evan has been icing it to keep down swelling and has taken a few pain killers to help with the pain. He now has a finger protector (seen above) to prevent further damage and unnecessary pain 
specially while working. Despite it being a horrible experience it could have been a lot worse then it was! 

Thankfully it was just the pinky finger and thankfully it wasn't worse!

My Experience 
From where I was in the car I felt the car fall down, I heard screams, then all I saw was legs flailing. My first thought was that his head got crushed. Once I got out of the car I thought it was his entire arm! Once I figured out it was more likely his hand I went to go lift the car -- I realized I could make it worse since I am not that strong so I went to find a flashlight to assess the situation first. By the time I got back to Evan he had managed to slide his hand out from under the rock. Thankfully he had been wearing gloves!

1 comment:

  1. Deeds
    I know this sounds terrible but Robert and I laughed our heads of reading this...hee hee heee

    I can just picture Evan's legs flailing around etc......hee hee heee


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