365 Project

365 Project

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

May 9 - Delicados

My husband was out riding his bike most of the day while I was working. The wonderful guy came by my office and offered to walk home with me.

On the way home we made a pit stop at Delicados.
It is an amazing little Mexican restaurant that has amazing food!

I knew I had to take a photo of the store front for my aunt.
When she reads this blog entry she will get instant cravings for their amazing food. This one is for you Sue!

On a down side I was wearing shoes that I shouldn't have been walking in for long distances and totally destroyed my heals! : (


  1. AAAAHHHHH! Delicados! NOT FAIR! : (

  2. It tasted very VERY good. I thought of my amazing non-delicados enjoying aunt every bite :P


What do you think?