365 Project

365 Project

Sunday, March 17, 2013

March 17 - Mean Ol' Mr. Winter

My mother picked me up from work today. On the way home we noticed some weird stuff falling on the windshield. 
HAIL! What?! Yes, it was hailing massive amounts of hail. We are suppose to be starting warmer weather and experiencing the start of spring.
Turns out mean ol' Mr. Winter is attempting to maintain control of the weather as long as he can.

1 comment:

  1. No complaints over there in the land of palm trees! : 0
    Tis snowing here on Spud Island (reference to the late Stoppin' Tom ) and it will be -13 tonight with wind chill of -25! And there are no signs of growth on ANYTHING. Perhaps Bam Bam's "winter weight" waist line. hee hee hee
    I think I will be snow shoeing with Kaleb tomorrow! As much as I like the snow and winter...I will confess to looking forward to Spring...when it comes.....one day....


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