365 Project

365 Project

Friday, July 19, 2013

July 15 - Washing Machine

Why would anyone put a towel down under their washing machine?
Because it is leaking! Yes, our washing machine has been creating lovely puddles for us every time we use it. I think it has something to do with the seal.
I guess its time to call the building manager and request that something be done about this.

July 14 - Pup Tent

The best part of the camping experience was the following...

Ryle it a special tent for dogs! I loooooooove it! <3

July 13 - Fruit and Pudding

Recently we went grocery shopping and found an amazing sale and fruit and pudding cups. 
Since we both needed some snacky foods to take to work with us these were a great deal.
I love seeing a shelf full of fruit and pudding!

I feel kind of weird. We get a bunch of fruit and pudding and suddenly we are leaving to go camping! 
We are leaving behind our fruit and pudding! At least they wont go bad!

July 12 - Garlic

Knock Knock?
Whose There?

Garlic Who?
Garlic for you from Grandma

Evan's grandmother sent my sister-in-law on a delivery mission to provide us with a fresh garlic grown in her garden. I shall gladly accept free amazing garlic. But I must say that I was not expecting it when there was a knock on my door.

July 11 - Dry Spell Continues

It has been so hot and dry for so long!
I am not complaining mind you...
I would much rather this weather compared to tons of rain and snow!
The grass is all brown and dry. I am sure forest fire risks are way up!

July 10 - Lunch Out Of Office

 My coworkers have been demanding that I take longer and more frequent lunch breaks. So today I left work and walked to Delicados. I met up with Evan and we both enjoyed eating lunch together out in the sun. What a nice opportunity to leave the office for an hour and just enjoy the day.


There is something nice about eating ice-cream on a hot day. I <3 Ben & Jerry's! Reminded me of when I was going to Trinity Western University for a while.
I would down one to two of these tubs a week!